home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - Page 11 of 41 - << previous page : next page >>
A check of the wait times before calling it a day at DAK and giving up on the idea of a final Safari for this WDW trip.  Still a 70 min wait and it closes in 45.  It was starting to drizzle and forecast said rain soon so it was time to go.
A check of the wait times before calling it a day at DAK and giving up on the idea of a final Safari for this WDW trip. Still a 70 min wait and it closes in 45. It was starting to drizzle and forecast said rain soon so it was time to go. Click to switch to large image view
This seemed odd the exit/walkway to the buses was closed and you and to go through the parking lot one at the main security screening area.
This seemed odd the exit/walkway to the buses was closed and you and to go through the parking lot one at the main security screening area. Click to switch to large image view
And to exit they only had one space open so it looked much more congested than it had to be.
And to exit they only had one space open so it looked much more congested than it had to be. Click to switch to large image view
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